asian rainforests
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Last update: 2017-07-27
Kinabatangan River -- sabah_aerial_2875 (Malaysia)
Strangler fig (Indonesia)
Raised rainforest walkway (Malaysia)
Rainforest pool (Malaysia)
Managed grassland and forest in Khao Yai (Thailand)
Bulldozer at a conventional logging site in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0654 (Malaysia)
Emergent rainforest tree in Borneo (Malaysia)
Rainforest below Dua Saudara (Indonesia)
Creek on the border of Tangkoko National Park (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_2888 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest [sabah_sepilok_0670] (Malaysia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0823] (Indonesia)
Heavily logged forest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0641 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest profile [sabah_sepilok_0164] (Malaysia)
Tropical forest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0941 (Malaysia)
Sarawak rainforest (Malaysia)
Rainforest vines (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_1956 (Malaysia)
Sarawak rainforest (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_2551 (Malaysia)
Danum Valley rainforest -- sabah_2771 (Malaysia)
Orange flowering tree amid the rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2350 (Malaysia)
Sulawesi understory (Indonesia)
Tree ferms in Aceh [aceh_0564] (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_2607 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0489 (Malaysia)
A big liana (Indonesia)
Strangler fig near Jantho, Aceh [aceh_0165] (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0536 (Malaysia)
View of the rainforest canopy from below (Cambodia)
Maliau Falls -- sabah_aerial_1398 (Malaysia)
Illegal deforestation for palm oil (Indonesia)
Aerial view of palm oil plantations and replanting areas in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Peat lakes (Indonesia)
Tree ferms in Aceh [aceh_0557] (Indonesia)
Heavily logged rainforest with an oil palm plantation in the distance -- sabah_aerial_2790 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Riau (Indonesia)
Sunset over Way Kambas swamp forest (Indonesia)
Son Tra rainforest (Vietnam)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0181 (Malaysia)
Rainforest on Pulau Gaya [sabah_sapi_island_0002] (Malaysia)
Peat forest in Giam Siak Kecil [riau_0744] (Indonesia)
Degraded peat forest (Indonesia)
Rainforest vegetation (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1582 (Malaysia)
Rainforest emergent tree in Borneo [kalbar_1027] (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_1875 (Malaysia)
River muddied by upstream deforestation -- sabah_aerial_1533 (Malaysia)
Forest in Borneo -- sabah_2050 (Malaysia)
Peucang Island, West Java, Indonesia [java_0416] (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest [kalbar_1620] (Indonesia)
Logging road in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0905 (Malaysia)
Rainforest tree in Sabah -- sabah_2819 (Malaysia)
Rainforest near Jantho [aceh_0105] (Indonesia)
Industrial logging in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0690 (Malaysia)
Sunset over the Borneo rainforest -- borneo_4415 (Malaysia)
Active logging area in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2360 (Malaysia)
Maliau Falls -- sabah_aerial_1422 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0199 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Borneo river -- sabah_aerial_1899 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Logged over forest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2317 (Malaysia)
Primeval rain forest (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_1070 (Malaysia)
Heavily logged rainforest with an oil palm plantation in the distance -- sabah_aerial_2792 (Malaysia)
Danum Valley Rainforest -- borneo_3611 (Malaysia)
Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_2085 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Rainforest canopy -- malaysia0483 (Malaysia)
Blackwater river meeting a muddy river in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_1541 (Malaysia)
Mist rising over the Sumatra (Indonesia)
Cuc Phuong rainforest (Vietnam)
Borneo rainforest river -- sabah_aerial_1143 (Malaysia)
Borneo river -- sabah_aerial_1853 (Malaysia)
Epiphytes in the Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Swamp forest in Way Kambas (Indonesia)
Rainforest canopy [sabah_sepilok_0644] (Malaysia)
Waterfall in Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_1915 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0693 (Malaysia)
Massive rainforest stranger fig [java_0065] (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0372 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0521 (Malaysia)
Forest along the Prek Piphot river (Cambodia)
Waterfall in Lambir Hills NP (Malaysia)
Rainforest liana [kalbar_1859] (Indonesia)
Waterfall in Bukit Tigapuluh (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest [sabah_sepilok_0668] (Malaysia)
Jungle along the Tembeling River (Malaysia)
Selectively logged forest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2326 (Malaysia)
Bukit Tigapuluh rainforest (Indonesia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Primary rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_2487 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest river -- sabah_aerial_1239 (Malaysia)
Lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Logged over forest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0061 (Malaysia)
Tropical rain forest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0912 (Malaysia)
Lowland peat forest (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Rainforest tree in Borneo [kalbar_1852] (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0450 (Malaysia)
Sumatran rainforst tree (Indonesia)
Roots of a strangler fig (Malaysia)
Remote waterfall in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0807 (Malaysia)
Pristine rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Active timber harvesting in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0750 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0777 (Malaysia)
Fig tree (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Cambodia (Cambodia)
Lowland rainforest in Ujung Kulon National Park [java_0201] (Indonesia)
Kinabatangan River -- sabah_aerial_2906 (Malaysia)
Cleared forest on the edge of Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Rainforest converted to oil palm plantations in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2289 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1225 (Malaysia)
Danum river -- borneo_3895 (Malaysia)
Jungle in Borneo -- sabah_1998 (Malaysia)
Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_2058 (Malaysia)
Forest along the Prek Piphot river (Cambodia)
Rainforest tree in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Logging concession in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Selectively logged forest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2341 (Malaysia)
Strangler fig (Indonesia)
Rainforest creek near Jantho [aceh_0232] (Indonesia)
Rainforest canopy tree in China (China)
Rainforest creek in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_2887 (Malaysia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Rainforest and an oil palm plantation in Sabah [sabah_sepilok_0049] (Malaysia)
Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Riau (Indonesia)
Rain forest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_2305 (Malaysia)
Deforestation in Riau [riau_1237] (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_1176 (Malaysia)
Kinabatangan river [sabah_kinabatangan_0451] (Malaysia)
Rainforest in the Southern Cardamom Mountains (Cambodia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_2413 (Malaysia)
Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_2060 (Malaysia)
Forest and oil palm [riau_5405] (Indonesia)
Ulung Kulon lowland rainforest (Indonesia)
Rainforest (Indonesia)
Active logging concession in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2358 (Malaysia)
Orange flowers in the Borneo rainforest [kalbar_1394] (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Riau (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Riau [riau_0499] (Indonesia)
Tropical forest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Rainforest waterfall [sabah_tawau_0177] (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1573 (Malaysia)
Tropical forest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_2889 (Malaysia)
Rainforest canopy in Sumatra [riau_1482] (Indonesia)
Kinabatangan river [sabah_kinabatangan_0454] (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Indonesian Borneo [kalbar_0727] (Indonesia)
Birdnest fern (Vietnam)
Cleared forest on the edge of Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Orange flowering tree amid the rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2348 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Sumatra [riau_5437] (Indonesia)
Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_2173 (Malaysia)
Old-growth rain forest in Imbak Canyon, Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0473 (Malaysia)
Active logging area in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2364 (Malaysia)
Oil palm plantation and rainforest border [sabah_sepilok_0725] (Malaysia)
Borneo river -- sabah_aerial_1896 (Malaysia)
Oil palm estate and rainforest in Malaysian Borneo -- sabah_aerial_3023 (Malaysia)
Bulldozer at a conventional logging site in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0679 (Malaysia)
Rainforest creek in Cambodia (Cambodia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0955 (Malaysia)
Rainforest trail [sabah_sepilok_0681] (Malaysia)
0 (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1872 (Malaysia)
Strangler fig near Jantho, Aceh [aceh_0151] (Indonesia)
Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_2089 (Malaysia)
Red ginger (Indonesia)
Tesso Nilo rainforest (Indonesia)
Rainforest near Tangkahan [sumatra_0998] (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_1089 (Malaysia)
Rainforest understory (Indonesia)
Kinabatangan River -- sabah_aerial_2481 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0767 (Malaysia)
Karst forest in China (China)
Forest heavily degraded by logging in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0794 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0346 (Malaysia)
Cleared forest on the edge of Tesso Nilo (Indonesia)
Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_2048 (Malaysia)
Rain forest in Java (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_1679 (Malaysia)
Sunrise over the Aceh forest [aceh_0537] (Indonesia)
Waterfall in Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_1913 (Malaysia)
Red understory flowers in Borneo [sabah_tawau_0117] (Malaysia)
Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_2203 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Rainforest below Dua Saudara (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Riau (Indonesia)
Sepilok rainforest [sabah_sepilok_0257] (Malaysia)
Rainforest of Ujung Kulon as seen from the sea [java_0275] (Indonesia)
x -- borneo_3764 (Malaysia)
Illegal deforestation for palm oil (Indonesia)
Oil palm plantation and rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_3186 (Malaysia)
Rainforest seeds (China)
Virgin rainforest in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_1821 (Malaysia)
Logging road in the rainforest of Borneo (Malaysia)
Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_2181 (Malaysia)
Orangutan nest in the rainforest canopy (Indonesia)
Tesso Nilo rainforest (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_2503 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_1367 (Malaysia)
Vietnamese karst forest (Vietnam)
Riau rainforest [riau_0878] (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Sarawak rainforest (Malaysia)
Kerangas forest (Indonesia)
River below Maliau Falls -- sabah_aerial_1431 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_1253 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest (Malaysia)
Buttress roots in the rainforest (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Rainforest converted to oil palm plantations in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2284 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest river -- sabah_aerial_0174 (Malaysia)
Danum Valley rainforest -- sabah_2791 (Malaysia)
Understory vegetation (Indonesia)
Cloud forest in New Guinea [west-papua_0682] (Indonesia)
Tree with buttress roots [kalbar_1862] (Indonesia)
Rainforest vegetation at sunset (Indonesia)
Selectively logged rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_2302 (Malaysia)
Sunset in Bukit Tigapuluh (Indonesia)
Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_2226 (Malaysia)
Maliau Falls -- sabah_aerial_1336 (Malaysia)
Research facility in the Heart of Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0170 (Malaysia)
Rainforest tree in Sulawesi (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_2538 (Malaysia)
Dua Saudara Mountain (Indonesia)
Mist rising from the Borneo rainforest -- borneo_6434 (Malaysia)
0 (Malaysia)
Sumatran rainforest (Indonesia)
Arfak forest, with Manokwari in the distance (Indonesia)
Tropical rain forest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_1007 (Malaysia)
Logging road in Malaysia -- sabah_aerial_2237 (Malaysia)
Giant dipterocarp in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Riau rainforest [riau_0898] (Indonesia)
Rain forest tree on Handeuleum Island (Indonesia)
Logging concession in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Fungi (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_2594 (Malaysia)
Maliau Falls -- sabah_aerial_1323 (Malaysia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_2519 (Malaysia)
Pristine rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia (Malaysia)
Waterfall in the Bornean rainforest -- borneo_3801 (Malaysia)
Waterfall in Imbak Canyon -- sabah_aerial_1918 (Malaysia)
Borneo rain forest -- sabah_aerial_0837 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_aerial_2563 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0376 (Malaysia)
Clearing for oil palm along the Kinabatangan River -- sabah_aerial_2918 (Malaysia)
Rainforest leaf [kalbar_0421] (Indonesia)
Forest in Stasiun Karantina orangutan batumbelin - Sibolangit (Indonesia)
0 (Malaysia)
Conventional logging operation in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0735 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0373 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0191 (Malaysia)
Tesso Nilo rainforest (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0868 (Malaysia)
Red leaves (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest [sabah_sepilok_0656] (Malaysia)
Mist rising over the Sumatra (Indonesia)
Flowering rainforest trees -- sabah_aerial_1750 (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Sumatra (Indonesia)
Seasonal tropical forest in China (China)
Sunlit leaves in the New Guinea rainforest [west-papua_6276] (Indonesia)
Borneo rainforest -- borneo_6242 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0818 (Malaysia)
New white leaves (Indonesia)
Rainforest in the Gunung Leuser ecosystem (Indonesia)
Javan forest [java_0721] (Indonesia)
Tropical rain forest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0992 (Malaysia)
Sulawesi rainforest (Indonesia)
Peat forest (Indonesia)
Peat forest in Borneo [kalteng_0659] (Indonesia)
Logs in a river bed in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_1739 (Malaysia)
Borneo rainforest -- sabah_0782 (Malaysia)
Rainforest tree buttress roots (Indonesia)
Dua Saudara Mountain (Indonesia)
Tesso Nilo rainforest (Indonesia)
Sarawak rainforest (Malaysia)
Rainforest in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_0223 (Malaysia)
Sarawak rainforest (Malaysia)
Logs in a river bed in Borneo -- sabah_aerial_1741 (Malaysia)
Riau rainforest [riau_5130] (Indonesia)
Lowland rainforest in New Guinea [west-papua_0930] (Indonesia)
Rainforest below Dua Saudara (Indonesia)
Danum Valley rainforest -- sabah_2783 (Malaysia)
Rainforest (Indonesia)